Improper vacuuming techniques and poor ergonomics can lead to discomfort, fatigue, and even injuries to your back, shoulders, arms, and wrists over time.
ArticleInjury Prevention
By renting the appropriate lift, you can safely and cost-effectively complete your facility's festive vision, keeping the season jolly.
ArticleArming Facilities Against Violence
Health and Safety
For many decades, the FBI and other law enforcement organizations have taught us that if an active shooter enters a facility, we should run, hide, or fight. A better strategy might be to prepare, react, and recover.
ArticleReach New Heights in Cleaning
Technology and Trends
Spraying drones can more effectively and efficiently clean higher, extremely hard-to-reach places, while saving money and eliminating risks to workers.
ArticlePreventing Slips, Trips, and Falls
Health and Safety
The National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI) offers information, training, and certifications to help facility managers reduce the risk of falling.
ArticleVideo: The Vulnerable Building: Strategies to Identifying Risks and Responding to Threats
Facility Management
In this episode of Straight Talk! with ISSA Media Director Jeff Cross, discover how to keep your properties safe as a building owner or manager thanks to industry expert Johnathan Tal, CEO of TAL Global Corporation.
VideoHow Facility Managers Can Make Life Easier for Their Cleaning Crews
Facility Management
A hazard-free atmosphere, with access to on-the-job training and quality tools and equipment, will enable your cleaning crew to do their job more efficiently.
ArticleReconsider Salt Use This Winter
Facility Management
Sand, birdseed, and ice melt products can be a better alternative to salt for increasing traction on sidewalks and roads while protecting the environment.
Article4 Workplace Safety Strategies for Cleaning Professionals
Health and Safety
As June is National Safety Month, it’s an opportune time to revisit ways to promote workplace safety.
ArticleFollow these tips to clean carpet quickly, efficiently, and safely without injuring yourself or damaging the vacuum.
Article10 Safety Considerations for Construction Cleanup
Health and Safety
Unlike standard janitorial services, construction cleanup requires attention to every surface. From drywall dust to large sawdust and paint-splatter, there’s a wide range of service to implement.
ArticleThe Culture of Health and Safety
Health and Safety
Remember the acronym REACH—Recognition, Evaluation, Assessment, Control, and Hazards—when establishing a safety and health program at your workplace.