Proper water cleanup and mold prevention techniques are required to mitigate mold growth, contamination, and the associated health risks.
ArticleHealth and Safety
Schools are recognizing that maintaining clean, safe and healthy environments is essential not just for preventing the spread of illness but also for supporting students' regular attendance.
ArticleThe Making Safer Choices project aims to drive the adoption of EPA-certified Safer Choice products across Pennsylvania and New York.
ArticleExperts have long recommended maintaining indoor relative humidity between 40% to 60%. However, research shows commercial buildings’ levels often fall somewhere outside of this range.
ArticleIn sectors like foodservice, impeccable hygiene is paramount and maintaining a well-trained staff can be challenging.
ArticleBy renting the appropriate lift, you can safely and cost-effectively complete your facility's festive vision, keeping the season jolly.
ArticleAs students, faculty, and staff gather in close quarters, the spread of illnesses can quickly disrupt daily activities and academic progress.
ArticleWhile it’s great that handwashing is getting the love and attention it deserves, it raises the question of why hand drying isn’t.
ArticleIncreased demand for PPE is largely being driven by growing worker safety awareness, as well as a surge in demand in the healthcare, military, and law enforcement sectors following the COVID-19 pandemic—particularly for equipment such as masks, gloves, and gowns.
ArticleKeeping up with dust removal is essential for protecting the health of facility occupants and the reputation of your business.
ArticleHealth First, a free webinar presented by Cleaning & Maintenance Management, provides strategies for starting—or enhancing—a cleaning for health program.
VideoIsaac Johnson, Aramark Healthcare+ vice president of operations, explains the importance of environmental services (EVS) and housekeeping to the overall environment and care of a hospital.
ArticleCleaning workers risk exposure to biohazards and chemical hazards, as well as physical injuries from daily vacuuming, repetitive motions, frequent bending, and prolonged standing.
ArticleIn addition to putting your building occupants and company reputation at risk, pests can cause structural damage.
ArticleTo be professional, cleaning services and their employees must master a body of knowledge, skills, and behaviors to maintain a healthy and safe built environment and succeed in business.
ArticleAchieving crystal-clear pool water is an intricate dance of diligence, technology, and science, with custodial professionals engaged in an ongoing battle against contaminants.