The 5 Cs of a Great Facilities Manager
Facility Management
Five traits to look for when selecting a service provider for facilities management
ArticleDan Ringo is a former director of engineering, general manager, district manager, vice president of operations, senior vice president of operations, chief operations officer, and CEO of various facilities management firms. Currently, Ringo is the principal of OPIS LLC, an instructor at HVAC U, LLC, and the deputy director of Public Works for the City of Pontiac, Michigan. Ringo is the author of various books on facilities management and power plant operations and is a trusted subject matter expert on business operations and operational improvement. Ringo can be reached at or
Five traits to look for when selecting a service provider for facilities management
ArticleA robust, regular plan for quality assurance evaluations and benchmarking can greatly benefit your operation.
ArticleScheduling preventative maintenance will save operating costs and increase your building systems' reliability. Here are some preventative maintenance practices to put on your checklist.
ArticleDeferring maintenance and upgrades to another budget year can result in higher operational costs in the long run.
ArticleHere are several tips to ensure your operation has the management in place to handle a successful union relationship.