Peter J. Sheldon Sr.

Peter J. Sheldon Sr.

Chief Strategy Officer, Anago Cleaning Systems

Peter J. Sheldon Sr. is the Chief Strategy Officer at Anago Cleaning Systems and facilitator of the company’s system-wide ESG implementation program. Anago Cleaning Systems was recently awarded an EcoVadis Silver Medal Sustainability Rating, placing the brand in the top 25% of companies within the facility services industry focused on ESG initiatives.

Articles by Peter J. Sheldon Sr.

Create Partnerships for Sustainability Success
March 15, 2024 Robert Kravitz & Peter J. Sheldon Sr.

Create Partnerships for Sustainability Success

Business and Management

Today, it’s not enough for business owners to simply say they are committed to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues. Governments, investors, and consumers increasingly demand that companies demonstrate their commitment.
