
Sustainable Dispensing From Revo®

Sustainable Dispensing From Revo®

Resolute Tissue’s Revo® Tissue & Towel Dispensers use only third-party certified tissue and towel refills, ensuring the paper is from sustainable sources. These stylish, robust dispensers have features that control consumption and minimize waste, such as a stub roll transfer feature on the Revo Hands-Free Electronic Dispenser. An innovative sensor on this unit shuts the battery down when the restroom is empty, extending battery life by an additional 25%. Revo Small Core Tissue Dispensers and Mini-Jumbo Twin Tissue Dispensers minimize waste and keep extra rolls hidden and hygienic until needed. Reimagine the restroom and enjoy peace of mind with sustainable refills, less waste, less outages, and less maintenance with Revo. Email [email protected] for a free demo.

Visit us at ISSA Show Booth #1857


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Sustainable Dispensing From Revo®
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