
Health, Hygiene, and Hotels: What Are Some Baseline Expectations?

Remaining vigilant will help the cleaning industry be prepared for what’s next

During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the hospitality industry quickly heightened both its awareness and its knowledge regarding keeping rooms safe through cleaning. Now, three years later, has that same high level of conscientiousness and response continued?

In this episode of BioTalk, a GBACtv production, Patty Olinger, Executive Director of Global Biorisk Advisory Council™ (GBAC), a Division of ISSA, talks about the need for all facilities, including those within the hospitality industry, to remain steadfast with hygiene protocols.

During her interview with ISSA Media Director Jeff Cross, Olinger specifically mentioned that her a recent stay at a five-star, non-GBAC Star Accredited hotel caused her to pause.

“If we’re going to get through this pandemic and be prepared for what’s next, we need to do better,” Olinger said.

To find out what she discovered and learn more about the level of clean that customers need to experience to feel safe and stay healthy at your hotel or facility, watch the video below.

Posted On January 18, 2023

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Health, Hygiene, and Hotels: What Are Some Baseline Expectations?
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