
Nexa Concentrates: Safe. Sustainable. Efficient.

Nexa Concentrates: Safe. Sustainable. Efficient.

Ecolab’s Nexa Concentrates hand hygiene system provides sustainability and cost savings with uniquely designed refillable bottles.

Reduce Waste: Ecolab’s sustainably designed system reduces packaging waste by up to 90%. The concentrated formula means you need to order less frequently, reducing shipping costs and saving on storage space.

Improve Operations: The refillable design virtually eliminates product waste and makes product refills a predictable part of your routine.

Deliver Effective Hand Hygiene: Nexa Concentrates’ refillable bottles feature a sealed system and in-chemistry preservatives to ensure safe and effective application time-after-time.

Visit us at ISSA Show Booth 3917

Posted On August 26, 2022

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