Proper water cleanup and mold prevention techniques are required to mitigate mold growth, contamination, and the associated health risks.
ArticleDisaster Planning and Cleanup
Worker Safety Is Not a Given
Health and Safety
Cleaning workers risk exposure to biohazards and chemical hazards, as well as physical injuries from daily vacuuming, repetitive motions, frequent bending, and prolonged standing.
ArticleDry, Dehumidify, and Disinfect Water-Soaked Facilities
Facility Management
Water damage can be a devastating occurrence in any building, leading to structural issues, mold growth, and potential health hazards. Often the cleaning team is called in as the first responders to start the renovation process.
ArticlePrepare Your Facility for a Natural Disaster
Health and Safety
Identify which natural disasters pose the greatest threat to your facility before making a plan. The most successful natural disaster management systems are comprehensive with a risk-focused strategy.
ArticleA new certification provides the highly specialized skills demanded by a growing industry.
Article3 Lessons Learned From COVID-19
Facility Management
High-performing facilities must follow these critical lessons to maintain not only a healthy building, but also a healthy bottom line.
ArticleConstruction Cleaning: The New Cha-Ching
Business and Management
Post-construction cleanup offers a potentially lucrative add-on service for BSCs looking for new revenue streams.
ArticleThe Role of Safety Managers in Facility Management
Facility Management
Safety management is an integral part of facilities management as it helps to protect everyone that uses a facility from hazards.
ArticleHow Facilities Can Reassure Employees It’s Safe to Return to the Office
Health and Safety
A recent GP PRO consumer survey found that 19% of employees are excited to return to workplace facilities, 43% are concerned and 30% are hesitant.
ArticleWords of Wisdom from ANSI/IICRC S500
Health and Safety
The ANSI/IICRC S500 can become an important tool to produce success on water losses.
ArticleHow to Successfully Navigate Water Loss Jobs
Business and Management
This tool can help your business successfully complete jobs involving water losses.
ArticleExpediting the Drying Cycle
Facility Management
Understanding evaporation and how drying equipment is used can be advantageous for facility managers who do water restoration in-house as well as those who hire restorative drying professionals to handle remediation.