The Making Safer Choices project aims to drive the adoption of EPA-certified Safer Choice products across Pennsylvania and New York.
ArticleEnvironment and Sustainability
Steps to Success on the Journey to Zero Waste
Business and Management
Zero waste programs encourage thoughtful waste management, with the ultimate goal of keeping resources in circulation for as long as possible.
ArticleLEED v5 Promotes Water Efficiency
Facility Management
The USGBC encourages facility managers to view water efficiency measures as investments, not costs. These investments will not only reduce water consumption, but also lower overall facility and business costs.
ArticleSustainable Approaches for Managing Construction and Demolition Waste
Facility Management
Each year, the United States sees an estimated 600 million tons of waste from construction and demolition activities.
ArticleAmong their many responsibilities, facility managers and building service contractors (BSCs) often select the consumables and disposables used throughout a facility.
ArticleGlobal Cleaning Industry Weighs In on LEED-EB Version 5
Business and Management
The U.S. Green Building Council updates its Leadership in Energy for Environmental Design for Existing Buildings rating system every five years, with Version 5 currently in development.
ArticleSpeakers dig deep into the proposed project between ISSA, Penn State University, and CUNY Medicine that will provide technical assistance to business sectors to develop a university-trade association-stakeholder partnership that increases the knowledge, demand, and use of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's more than 1,900 Safer Choice labeled products.
VideoInitiating a Sustainability Program When One Size Does Not Fit All
Business and Management
While large organizations can hire dedicated sustainability professionals and teams of consultants, small- and medium-sized enterprises often must chart their own path.
ArticleFacility floors require a lot of attention; their maintenance can lead to excess water and chemical use.
ArticleWater Conservation Starts With Auditing the Drips
Facility Management
Commercial facilities working toward more sustainable water use must begin the process with a collective commitment to water conservation and water efficiency from everyone working in the organization.
ArticleSustainable Floor Care Saves Money and Labor
Hard Floors
The sustainability of your floor care program is important, as floors can have a significant impact on a facility’s environmental footprint.
ArticleThink Green for Hospitality Restrooms
Operating with sustainability in mind can conserve resources and minimize waste—while still providing a pleasant restroom experience to boost customer satisfaction and brand image.