
Employees Remain Concerned About Germs in the Workplace

Fewer than one-third of surveyed workers are confident in their company’s health and safety measures

April 14, 2022

As employees return to their offices after working remote during the pandemic, most are concerned they will contract an illness from germs in their workplace.

A survey of almost 1,000 office workers commissioned by Reckitt Benckiser Professional’s Lysol Pro Solutions and conducted by Suzy™ found that 94% of workers are currently going into work at least once a week and 77% percent feel positive about returning to the office. However, less than one-third (32%) of the surveyed workers are confident in their company’s health and safety measures.

More than one-quarter (29%) of the workers report continued pressure from their management to come into the office when they’re sick, and almost half (47%) admit that they themselves don’t follow hygiene measures.


The survey, which underscores the importance of an effective and well-enforced office hygiene program, also revealed:

  • 87% of surveyed workers feel anxiety about having a physical meeting in a confined space such as a conference room and 28% avoid communal areas altogether
  • 30% are more concerned with catching a cold or flu in the office now than before the COVID-19 pandemic
  • 43% believe that their office’s hygiene protocols could be better enforced
  • Only 25% say their office is cleaned and disinfected multiple times per day
  • 58% want their employer to provide them with disinfectant sprays and wipes to enable them to protect themselves at work.

 “After two years of remote and hybrid working, many Americans are eager to return to the office,” said Lisa Ackerley, director of medical and scientific engagement and hygiene, at Reckitt’s Lysol Pro Solutions. “However, our survey shows that many office workers feel that their employer could do more—both in terms of implementing hygiene protocols that help to protect them and providing them with the education and products to protect themselves in the workplace.”

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