
How to Hand Work Off Before a Break

November 27, 2024

Taking an extended holiday soon? It’s a good idea to start planning now. A recent Harvard Business Review article suggested the ideal time to plan is four to six week ahead. Ideally, employees should find a colleague to act as a backup at least one month before.

Once the backup employee is found that person should be provided with a detailed handover document, listing any current projects, pending tasks, and instructions. Setting up a meeting before your departure to discuss the document with your colleague is also key. Additionally, be sure to include your backup in any important meetings and emails leading up to your break so your colleague is clued in on all tasks.

Lastly, it’s best to write a clear out-of-office message providing contact details for your backup.

Looking for a quick guide for a stress-free break:

  1. Find a backup.
  2. Determine what needs to be done while you are away.
  3. Create a handover document for your backup.
  4. Meet with your backup to discuss the handover document.
  5. Include your backup in important emails and meetings.
  6. Write a clear out-of-office message.

Happy holidays!

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