
How to Master Your Cleaning Plan

Build a standardized workloading strategy with these six steps

Workloading, Cleaning Plan

Disinfecting took center stage during the global pandemic. You may now find yourself behind on other important cleaning tasks assigned a lower priority. How do you determine and defend staffing levels to ensure these cleaning tasks are completed too? Standardization, workloading, and scheduling are the keys to your successful cleaning plan.

Cleaning organizations typically don’t standardize their methods for determining cleaning practices and priorities, even with a limited staff. Many are reactionary in their custodial operations and lack a dedicated investment in workloading. 

Organizations that create tightly integrated and standardized workloading solutions are better able to stay on course for success, even when there are less people available to do the work. They are prepared when an opportunity or crisis arises that requires a quick decision.

Efficient workloading creates a calendar for necessary tasks and documents their frequency. It enables staff assignments based on a building’s cleaning needs, the risks associated with doing (or not doing) these tasks, and the available budget.

Proper workloading that is specific to the tools and equipment chosen allows organizations to align resources with the people who do the work. 

Set up your standards 

The path forward is easier than you think. Adopting an existing standard that has already been vetted by the cleaning industry will simplify the process. The new Official ISSA Cleaning Times resource details hundreds of tasks and tools, including a benchmarked time for each. For additional assistance, implement the following recommendations to create an integrated approach to the entire cleaning program:

1. Set aside the right amount of time. Dedicate the appropriate amount of time to plan, execute, and follow through to ensure your success.

2. Define your cleaning objectives. Give some thought to defining and setting your cleaning goals. Ensure these goals are in line with the organization’s expectations, regulatory requirements, and desired healthy cleaning outcomes. This will serve as a guide later when you are prioritizing, assigning, and scheduling the cleaning work. Make sure the tasks and workload are aligned to these objectives and review them often to ensure they remain aligned, especially if you have recently given all your attention to disinfecting. 

Defining your cleaning objective will also allow you to clear your cleaning schedule more readily of tasks that are not bringing you closer to accomplishing your objectives.

3. Calculate the workload. Once you’ve defined your cleaning goals you will need to calculate what needs to be done to achieve them. In other words, you need to calculate the actual cleaning team workload. This step will range in complexity depending on the type, size, and number of cleanable areas, space types, and tasks involved so it helps to break it down. 

First, make a list of all the cleaning projects and processes the cleaning team needs to deliver. Using the Official ISSA Cleaning Times, estimate the time and commitment each of these cleaning projects and processes will demand from your team.

Break down the projects/processes into smaller tasks/phases to set workload on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual basis. Identify which tasks are most urgent and organize them by priority. 

4. Establish your team’s capacity. Now that you know how much cleaning work needs to get done, you’ll need to understand how much work your cleaning team can actually deliver. Make sure to account for real-life events such as vacations, hiring struggles, or other compromises/responsibilities. 

5. Distribute the cleaning work. Assign the cleaning work according to the workloaded tasks. Avoid overloading the overachievers and undermining those that are at the other end of the spectrum. Giving work to those who will eagerly take it and complete it quickly will be tempting, but you risk burning them out. 

6. Be flexible. Don’t expect to complete workloading once and be done with it. You must also be prepared to rearrange workload if needed. Take a flexible approach and understand you may need to pivot, as being rigid about the workload strategy can create long-term cleaning problems. Priorities may shift and workloads may become uneven. As long as everything evens out over the span of a year, it’s normal to have ups and downs in between while still achieving the desired cleaning results.

Building a better cleaning plan 

A workload strategy provides cleaning organizations with the opportunity to build an efficient and innovative cleaning plan with a balanced workload that leads to high performance. Standardized workloading not only benefits the front-line cleaning workers, but also the employees tasked with making and defending custodial staffing levels. The result provides a mathematical and factual basis for custodial staffing levels to meet customer and management expectations of clean. 

Posted On August 18, 2021

Tim Poskin

Director, ISSA Consulting

Tim Poskin is the former Director of ISSA Consulting and is one of the world’s leading authorities on custodial workloading.

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