Mobile cleaning professionals need a reliable vehicle to get to and from each job. While some private cleaning professionals can get away with driving a car or SUV, in most circumstances, personal vehicles just don’t have enough space to transport all of the necessary cleaning supplies and equipment to get the job done. In the cleaning industry, you never know what kind of mess you’re going to face, so it’s important to be prepared for anything—and that requires a lot of supplies.
For this reason, many mobile cleaning professionals gravitate toward driving commercial vans, which provide a significant amount of cargo space. Whether you’re a self-employed cleaning professional or an owner of a larger cleaning contractor, there are steps you can take to get the most out of your work vehicle.
Storage and Organization
If you have a new client, you want to make a great first impression. As a cleaning professional, you should practice what you preach and always keep your work vehicle clean and tidy. Your work van is one of the first things a client will see, so be sure it’s organized and prepared to impress. One way to accomplish this is with an upfit.
An upfit—a package of equipment that is installed in a commercial van, truck, or trailer to increase storage and organization capabilities—allows for a high level of on-the-job organization, which can really be a time-saver. Instead of spending valuable time looking for a tool or cleaning product in your vehicle, you can spend that time getting the job done.
Often, upfits feature the following equipment:
- Shelving, Drawers, Etc.
Storage modules are often placed along the outer edges of a cargo van to help keep expensive equipment off the floor and in a designated space. - Partitions
If you need to hit the brakes while driving, you never know where the equipment in the back of your vehicle will land. A partition, a barrier that is placed directly behind the seats in a van, keeps flying objects in the back of the van where they belong and prevents equipment from injuring passengers while in transit. - Ladder Racks
A ladder rack allows cleaning professionals to safely and securely transport ladder(s) on the roof of their vehicle.
An upfitted vehicle also allows you to carry everything you may need for a job at all times. When all of your cleaning supplies are properly organized in your work vehicle, you will be better able to take an accurate inventory.
Vehicle Advertising
Did you know that you can transform your work vehicle into a moving billboard advertisement for your business? With custom vehicle graphics or wraps, you can advertise your cleaning business while on the road, at a job, and everywhere in between.
When customers see your vehicle around town, they will be more likely to think about your business when, or if, they need cleaning services. You can build this brand recognition simply by driving around. Be sure to provide clear, concise contact information on your vehicle graphic or wrap so that potential customers can easily get in touch with you on-the-spot.
Consider the Potential
Upfits and vehicle wraps can help cleaning professionals use their vehicle to its fullest potential. At the end of the day, your work vehicle has the potential to not only make your job easier, but also grow your mobile cleaning business.
Todd Goldmeyer is the marketing manager at Adrian Steel Co., a manufacturer of commercial vehicle upfit equipment. Adrian Steel produces innovative cargo management solutions for a variety of vocations and vehicles. For more information, visit www.adriansteel.comor email [email protected].