
Cleaning Industry

Latino Small Business Owners Skew Younger

Making Safer Choices Survey: Help Shape Safer Cleaning Practices in NY and PA

ISSA Calls All Cleaning Pros to Show Off Skills in Spotless Spaces Competition

Trump Orders Withdraw From the World Health Organization

The US was a founding member of WHO in 1948 and has participated in shaping and governing WHO’s work ever since, alongside 193 other member states.

Cleaning Pros Call for Eco-Conscious Solutions

CloroxPro latest survey found that eco-conscious product adoption is at an all-time high.

Labor Department Fines Pennsylvania Cleaning Solutions Maker for Injuring Workers

Cintas Opens Nominations for the 12th Annual Nationwide Custodian of the Year Contest

How Important Are Clean Restrooms?

Most would not return to a restaurant with a dirty restroom.

Reducing the Number of Hand Hygiene Observations Won’t Affect the Spread of Infections

Study found standards bodies should lower observation requirements to allow more time for education and infection prevention activities

EPA Studying Technology-based PFAS Limits

US Commercial and Residential Cleaning Services Market to Grow by $36.8B by 2028

Individuals Can Transfer Illness-causing Germs to Soft Surfaces

Research from Reckitt's Lysol® Pro Solutions found people with respiratory infections can easily contaminate surfaces such as furnishings and carpets when they sneeze or cough on them