
4 Tips on Creating a Sustainable Cleaning System

March 30, 2023

In keeping in the spirit of National Cleaning Week, ABCO Cleaning Products has shared the following four tips to help celebrate the value of clean by creating a sustainable—yet still effective—cleaning system for your facility.

1. Choose certified sustainable tools and products. A great way to show consideration for not only facility occupants but also the planet is to use sustainable cleaning tools and products. However, be aware and vigilant of organizations that greenwash—that is, make false sustainability claims. (Read how the European Union is dealing with greenwashing.) Look for brands that have official third-party sustainability certifications and be sure to do your research. 

2. Work with green companies. Invest time in finding cleaning manufacturers that are transparent about their products and business practices. Look for brands that prioritize sustainability in every area of their business, including their products’ makeup, packaging and shipping procedures, and production process.

3. Prioritize green practices. An impactful way to promote sustainability is by implementing green practices within your facility. This includes encouraging employees to recycle on a regular basis, turning off lights and electronic devices when they’re not in use, and offering reusable office dishes and utensils. 

4. Provide proper training and resources. Educate cleaning staff on proper cleaning protocols. This includes how often a facility should be cleaned, what types of products to use, and the difference between cleaning and disinfecting. As a facility manager, you can have peace of mind knowing that your employees are knowledgeable about cleaning procedures and that your occupants’ safety is being prioritized.

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