Cleaning Professionals Play Important First Step in White House Transition
Biden administration reveals plan to deep clean and COVID-19-proof the historic residence
Presidential transitions of power not only require new cabinet and staff appointments, but facility preparations as well, including a thorough cleaning at the White House. The cleaning in preparation for the Biden administration will be even more thorough than usual due to the coronavirus pandemic and the fact that there have been three SARS-CoV-2 virus outbreaks at the White House during the Trump administration, CNN reports.
A plan to deep clean and COVID-19-proof the White House includes deploying custodial teams to clean and disinfect every part of the White House, a total of 55,000 square feet, after U.S. President Donald Trump departs on January 19, a day before President-Elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, according to a spokesperson from the General Services Administration (GSA).
The plan includes thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting all furniture, doorknobs, handrails, and light switches. Additionally, a private contractor will provide “disinfectant misting services” to clear the air of lingering droplets.
The government contracts and purchase orders of the White House inaugural cleaning, totaling nearly US$500,000, were all made through the Public Building Service within GSA. Contract cleaners like Didlake Inc., a Manassas, Virginia-based custodial and housekeeping services provider that is certified through ISSA’s Cleaning Industry Management Standard (CIMS), were chosen for a $127,000 inaugural cleaning contract.
Other inaugural cleaning and maintenance costs include:
- $44,000 for carpet cleaning
- $115,000 for carpet replacement and installation of select interior floors within the White House and the Eisenhower Executive Office Building (EEOB)
- More than $29,000 for curtain cleaning in the East and West Wings and EEOB
- $53,000 for painting and wall coverings
- $37,975 for trash removal and recycling
- $55,000 for overtime pay for movers.
Learn how your business can secure a government cleaning contract.