
Study Ranks the Best Countries for Work-Life Balance

The study considered factors such as average amount of hours worked, maternity and paternal leave, sick pay, and happiness level.

November 2, 2022

According to a recent study by price comparison website Compare The Market, Luxembourg—one of the smallest countries in Europe, both in physical size and population—has been rated the best country for work-life balance.

Finland ranked second for work-life balance considerations, while Norway followed closely for third place. Four out of the top six countries were Nordic, with Iceland and Sweden ranking at fourth and sixth, respectively.

In determining rank, the study scored countries based on the average number of hours worked, maternity and paternal leave, sick pay, and workers’ happiness. Each country was then given a combined total score.

Luxembourg topped the list with its citizens working an average of 1,382 hours per year and an average happiness score of 7.404. For fathers looking to spend more time with their newborns, Luxembourg is an extremely attractive country, offering 28 weeks of paid paternal leave.

Germans worked the least number of yearly hours: 1,349. On the other end of the spectrum, Mexicans worked the most: 2,128. The countries where individuals work less hours tended to also have higher happiness scores, with Denmark, at 1,363 yearly work hours, being the happiest.

Finland, Norway, Iceland, and fifth-place Netherlands all offer six weeks or more of paid sick leave and have extremely high rates of maternity leave. Finland ranked first with 161 weeks—more than three years—of maternity leave, with 30 days of paid leave a year.

The study noted that some countries, like the United States, have no statutory obligations to provide sick pay or maternal/paternal leave and, as such, did not make any of the top rankings.

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