
Join Cleaning for a Reason to Scrub Out Cancer this April

March 29, 2023

Cleaning for a Reason®, an ISSA Charities™ signature program that provides clean homes for cancer patients, is extending Cleaning for a Reason Week throughout the entire month of April. During the month, Cleaning for a Reason, its residential cleaning partners, sponsors, and the cleaning industry community will come together to build awareness of the charity’s mission and raise funds to reach more cancer patients.

“We are thrilled to expand Cleaning for a Reason to an entire month of dedication toward helping create a more comfortable environment for cancer patients in their homes,” said Cleaning for a Reason Founder Debbie Sardone, “It can be easy to forget how much energy and work it takes to make a house feel like a home, so we always look forward to helping cancer patients feel safe.”

Cleaning for a Reason partners with residential cleaning companies to offer free house cleanings to cancer patients in the United States and Canada. Cleaning partners give two home cleanings to each man, woman, or child undergoing cancer treatment in their communities who applies and receives a match. Cleaning for a Reason Month aims to encourage more cleaning partners to join the network and serve a greater number of patients.

New this year, Cleaning for a Reason is introducing Fundraiser in a Box, a set of materials that can be used to organize and promote a fundraising event to facilitate raising money and awareness for Cleaning for a Reason’s mission. The provided promotional materials and donation links can be used to educate others about the cause and encourage them to donate. Fundraiser in a Box includes instructions and tips on how to organize a successful charity walk or 5k run, restaurant fundraiser, silent auction, special promotions, and more.   

“Being diagnosed with cancer and undergoing various treatments has a significant impact on loved ones and people in our community,” said ISSA Charities Director of Development Sandy Wolfrum, “We encourage everyone to get involved with Cleaning for a Reason Month to expand our reach and help those who need it during a difficult time.”

Learn more about Cleaning for a Reason at

To become a corporate sponsor or donate, visit or contact Sandy Wolfrum at [email protected].

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