
Midwest Cities Rank the Worst in Air Quality Worldwide

Canadian wildfire air pollutants continue south, requiring health precautions for outdoor workers

June 29, 2023

Four U.S. cities shot their way onto IQAir’s top 10 air quality pollution list this week, ranking from “unhealthy” to “very unhealthy” air quality because of raging wildfires burning throughout Canada.

USA Today reported that there were 492 active wildfires, with 259 of those considered out of control. NASA’s Earth Observatory said this is one of the worst wildfire seasons for Canada on record, with soot particles from the fires reaching as far as southwestern Europe. Experts say the pollutants’ path down to the U.S. is largely due to wind patterns.

Chicago topped the list as having the worst air quality in the world on Tuesday with Detroit following close behind. Though Dubai took the No. 1 spot by Wednesday, Detroit, Chicago, and Minneapolis filled the second, third, and fourth spots respectively.

According to tracker, unhealthy levels of pollutants spread across parts of the Great Lakes Region, which include most of Wisconsin and parts of Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio as well.

Though the worst of it reportedly took place on Tuesday, with around 92 million people in the U.S. receiving air quality alerts that evening, the smoky air and haze is expected to stay in the region through this afternoon before gradually diminishing in coverage. According to Zachary Yack, a National Weather Service meteorologist in Chicago, wind off Lake Michigan was expected to help push the smoke southwest on Wednesday, but pollutants might remain in the air for days after.

Health officials urge anyone in the affected areas—especially those in more sensitive groups, which include young children, older adults, or those with heart and lung disease—to stay indoors for any physical activity and limit the amount of time they are outside.

Air purifiers and N95 masks are highly recommended for those who must go outside—especially outdoor workers. Indoor air filtration, including HVAC systems (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) and portable air purifiers, can also help scrub pollutants that may have traveled inside homes and other buildings.

According to NBC News, people can buy portable air cleaners with replaceable HEPA filters that strain out small particulate matter. California’s Environmental Protection Agency recommends using an indoor air cleaner any time the air quality index hits “unhealthy” levels or if people see or smell smoke in the air. 

“It is important to take poor air quality seriously, as exposure to smoke can cause health problems,” said Bruce Vanderhoff, director of the Ohio State Health Department. “Certain groups of people are at higher risk, such as those with chronic heart or lung disease, children, the elderly, and pregnant women. Please take precautions until these conditions improve.”

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