Take a Minute to Answer CMM’s Poll on the COVID-19 Vaccination
U.S. President Joe Biden has pledged that 100 million Americans will receive COVID-19 vaccinations in his first 100 days. Vaccine manufacturers Pfizer and Moderna have each promised to deliver 100 million doses by the end of March.
As the vaccine rollout is a priority for the Biden administration, those who want a vaccination may begin to feel more confident they will receive one in a timely manner and those who are hesitant to receive a vaccination may be worried that their employer will require them to do so.
Whether you believe employers have a right to mandate their employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19 or not, Cleaning & Maintenance Management magazine values your opinion. Share your insights in CMM’s latest poll on COVID-19 vaccine mandates.
After you have shared your opinion, learn the beliefs and practices of your cleaning industry colleagues on a variety of coronavirus pandemic issues, such as cleaning frequencies, COVID-19 surcharges, and facility reopening plans.