CMM Weekly Recap—August 23, 2019
This week Cintas Corp. informed us how school custodians spend their summer—and it’s not lounging on the beach. The summer break is the time when school maintenance workers and cleaners tackle the big projects, like power washing outside the building and deep cleaning carpet and hard floors.
Restrooms also get a more thorough cleaning, assuring students don’t feel like the 18% of high schoolers recently surveyed by Bradley Corp. who said they never use their school restrooms because they’re dirty and smelly. Nearly two-thirds of the 630 high school students surveyed said that unclean and poorly maintained school restrooms show that the school doesn’t care about its students.
In addition to school maintenance news, this week’s news also looked at cleaning and maintenance issues at hotels and health care facilities. A hotel in Atlanta finally reopened after a Legionnaires’ Disease outbreak that affected more than 60 people and resulted in one death. Public health officials traced the source of the bacteria to the hotel’s cooling tower.
A new law in New Jersey mandates that all long-term care facilities in the state must develop an illness outbreak response plan. This law is in response to an outbreak of adenovirus last year that was responsible for the death of 11 children in a nursing and rehabilitation center.
Enjoy your weekend, CMM will be back with more news on Monday.